Jordan Russ's As-Media Blog

Tuesday 13 March 2018

Music Timeline

This blog explores the music timeline from 1950 to 2018 by showing the key moments in these years, such as the launch of new music platforms, digitalisation, talent competition, piracy and even complete new genres.

First music 
the first ever recorded proof of music was in 325, constantine declares Christianity the offcial religion of the Roman Empire. The spread of Christianity in the western world spurred the development of European music.

Music digitalised
Music was mainly digitalised in the early 2000s with the help of the rising technology of computers and other devices for the primary means to record, store, play and distribute music. Therefore, music was more available and had more of a variety for consumers across the world.

Music Plat forms
January 1993- Internet Underground Music Archive (IUMA) was the first free online music platform ever launched to the public.

January 2002- was launched as a music platform that uses music recommender to build playlists and specific user profiles

September 2005- Pandora launched as a rebranding effort for music genome project with the goal of using scripts and song organisation programs to produce specific user radio stations which is based on the user's history and music.

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