Jordan Russ's As-Media Blog

Monday 16 April 2018

Case Study- Kingsman

Image result for Kingsman 1


Target Audience and Appeal

Kingsman (2014 Dir.M.Vaughn) has a age rating of 15 due to the violence, sexual and action throughtout the film which could disturb a younger audience. Furthermore, Kingsman is attempting to contrast but relate to stereotypical Jame Bond films, making their target audience mainly young males and females but does appeal to a more broad audience with the use of a variety of different characters with difference ethnicity, age and genders, making the character relateable to most audiences.



Kingsman was distributed by 20th Century Fox and they  used a range of trailers to advertise and promote the film to their audience with sneak peaks and teasers which could potentially interest and appeal to their target audience, as shown below:

Adding to this, to further advertise Kingsman, they released and displayed a number of intriguing and appealing posters (example top of page) featuring protagonist and antagonist characters to present the main actors performing in the film. 

A Global Text?

Kingsman was published across the world and become very mainstream due to its high budget of $81,000,000, therefore by the weekend it made over $42,000,000 (13/2/15) and had a gross profit of $128,017,991. 


Genre and Narrative

Kingsman consist of a variety of genres, this includes: comedy, action, spy, etc. These genres appeal to the target audience. Additionally, the narrative of Kingsman is fairly linear, however it does contain some multi-narrative elements with the use of different character perspectives


Kingsman positively represents woman through the use of the Spy Roxy, is represented as a independent and strong woman who can stand up for herself. She is equal or even better represented as a better Kingsman Spy then Eggsy. On the other hand, Kingsman poorly represents woman, this can be suggested  in the relationship between Eggsy and Princess Tilde, which  is simply limited to a controversial sex scene at the end of the film. Additionally, Tilde is also represented as a damsel in distress due to her imprisonment, which relates to a princess locked in a tower, waiting for a strong male hero to rescue her. which suggests that Kingsman represents woman in a range of lights, negative or positive.

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