Jordan Russ's As-Media Blog

Tuesday 30 January 2018

Exam question- Explore the use of digital technologies in your selected media industry. Refer to your 3 main texts.

Digital technologies is the back bone of the film industry, therefore Skyfall (2012, Dir.S.Mendas), Kingsman (2014 Dir.M.Vaughn) and Moonlight (2016, Dir.B.Jenkins) take advantage of a range of Digital technologies to appeal to their target audience.

Within Skyfall, a range of technical codes are implemented to entice their audience. For example, background music is a digital technology which is continuously used throughout every scene. Therefore, in the opening scene of Skyfall, there was a chase scene between James Bond and his enemy, throughout this introduction there was non-diegetic fast paced action music which played over the chase. This choice of music draws the audience in without them even noticing it. Furthermore, within Kingsman the choice of music in the opening scene was a stereotypical old fashioned James Bond themed action song that was timed with the actions in the scene. This made the opening scene have a slight comical edge whilst demonstrating action and destruction. Furthermore, within Moonlight atmospheric music is introduced within sad scene to build tension and suspense. For example, in the scene where the main protagonist Chiron was about to attack his school bully with a chair, there was a build up of non-diegetic music in the background to draw the audience in and suggest something was about to happen.

Additionally, another digital technology which is commonly used throughout Skyfall is a range of editing techniques. These techniques allow the films to fluently progress and guide the audience through the film. Editing is used countless times in skyfall, for example it is used in the scene where James Bond investigates his new equipment from Q. The cuts and other editing made the scene more presentable and fast paced, which provides are short but entertaining scene.

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