Jordan Russ's As-Media Blog

Wednesday 31 January 2018


This text evaluates my final production work of my video game cover and poster. The inspiration of my production work came from the research i gathered about other games, such as Tomb Raider. Therefore, my finished work reflects some aspects of my research.

The main image of my video game cover and poster, is a photo of my sister which i took myself. However, i captured a number of photos which i contemplated  to use, but i settled with my first photos, these photos were influenced by my research investigation through the use of their camera angles. My main front video game cover displays a women who is suggested to be two faced, which illustrates that she is more than people think. Furthermore, the colour scheme of both sides of the image are opposite from one another, which demonstrates the protagonist and antagonist of the video game. The choice of colour was influenced by my research investigation and how those games use colours to link to themes and genres. Additionally, the title had a number of different forms and structures, but i settled with "Fracture" with a sub heading of "The Lost Reality" to imply the story of the video game and suggest the genre of mystery and drama.

Furthermore, the font and outline of the title suits to the theme of the cover whilst effectively standing out from the bright background. The format of my title was inspired by my research investigation, specifically Bioshock Infinite, due to their steam punk looking title design. However, I am not completely satisfied with the fracture elements which I used in the game cover, due to the poor cracking features which draw away from the image. The back video game cover displays a range of images which suggests levels or cut scenes within the game, however they don't particular represent gaming aspects; such as health bars or weapons which typical video games have. But the back cover resembles most common video game covers with use of the layout and game icons, age rating and information. Lastly the reviews are good for covers to have, but the reviews don't seem very realistic and genuine, due to their simplicity.

My poster's design, layout and colour scheme is superior than my game cover in my opinion. The main image at first was slightly blurry and pixellated, so i split the image into three section and added a colour gradient, similar to the cover. This idea was inspired through my research investigation, due to the poster of Tomb Raider which had similar elements of this style. The finished main image is very eye catching and intriguing whilst matching the cover to link them both. Furthermore, the fracture on the poster and cover links to the title and it draws the audience in with the bright white and mysterious cracks. The title of the poster is the same as the cover's title, however the title doesn't seem to stand out as much, but it doesn't distract the viewer from the main image. Additionally, the reviews on the poster  are the same as the cover's reviews but they both give the viewer a insight into the game.

In conclusion, my production work of my video game and poster both consistently appeal to my target audience through its intriguing and bright colours within the main images and the bold titles. In my opinion i think that my poster looks more visually appealing with the use of its main image and colours, but the cover's image still looks eye catching and interesting. Therefore the final version of my production work effectively gives the viewer some idea into the actual game-play whilst not giving to much away to spoil it.

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