Jordan Russ's As-Media Blog

Thursday 19 January 2017

Explore representations of older people in the media today

TV Advert
In today's TV adverts across the media, older people normally are side characters in the background who stereotypically read news papers and stare into space such as the advert "Direct Line". Likewise in adverts about technology, they tend to use an older person to represent how difficult and outdated a piece of technology is, such as a phone or TV provider. So they simply have a older person using a old device and have a voice over saying how bad it is, then briefly after they present their new device with a young man using it and they carry on how "amazing" it is.

TV Drama   
In most TV dramas older people are stereotyped as:grumpy, slow, deaf, wise, never go anywhere and they doesn't know how to use technology. In addition to this, they are never normally the main character, unless if it's based in the olden times but never modern. Also in TV dramas older people are the "wise" people who know everything, meaning young people ask them for advice and guidance and not other young people. 

In programmes such as the soap opera "Coronation Street", have a mixture of old people who seem to have be on the show for their entire life are stereotyped. These older people in the show never seem to go anywhere apart from the square and the local area. On top of this, in the show they hardly know how to use technology and they still use phones which look like bricks. All of this emphasise how older people are seen as in our everyday programme, even very popular shows.

Factual TV
In factual TV older people are represented as people who always need help and assistance with tiny problems, also they are show as needy and fragile. In addition to this, they are seen as higher priority people who receive extra help even if they don't need it.


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