Jordan Russ's As-Media Blog

Sunday, 8 January 2017


Audiences Positioning
Most media texts are created to organise audiences in a certain position in similarly to the particular text. Audience positioning effects the relationship between the audience and the text. The media text's produces encode the text with a number of indicators which the audience decode. Depending of the audience , they will decode he same text in variety of ways and with then have a different reactions.

How do media texts position audiences? 
By the use of technical code in-bedded in the text. In a video text, the camera angles and shots used move the audience in a certain position. For example, the use of a camera angle such as a close up; can emphasise an expression of a characters face. This expression could be sadness, resulting sympathy from the audience. A certain point of view shot positions the audience as a character and makes the experience events from that particular perspective. Media texts can also position audience in close ups which can make them feel scared and uncomfortable in horror or thriller films. Likewise, media texts can position audiences by using mode of address, colloquial language in young teen magazines positions the intended audiences to relate to them and interest them. On top of this,  media texts position audiences through the use of construction of the text and of the audience within the particular text .

Preferred Reading – This is when audiences respond to the product the way media producers want/expect them to.

Negotiated Reading – This is when a member of the audience partly agrees with part of the product .e.g Film, documentary, TV programme.

Oppositional Reading – This is when the audience are in complete disagreement with the product’s message or setting.

Uses of gratifications theory
Entertainment- A certain audience which is targeted by the entertainment will view the media text to experience literal reality but can feel involved in a different world that is completely fantasy and made up. For example. Star Wars is a is the reality of that a world is cmade through technical codes , narrative and characters

Social interaction- Certain media texts are discussed by the audiences as they currently happen, this is referred to as "water cooler" TV. The audience will view the movie, programme, series or even video game. To then discuss the experience to other people.

Personal identity- Audiences will gain pleasure from certain media texts because they are able to compare their own lives with those feature in the text. For example, series include "Community" can relate to the audiences experiences because the narrative can suit that own life at college.

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