Jordan Russ's As-Media Blog

Monday 10 October 2016

Magazine comparison - Empire "Thor The Dark World" and Film "The magnificent seven"

Image result for empire thor the dark world

Magazine review- By Empire "Thor The Dark World"
Just from first glance this magazine is big and bold, it stands out from other magazines through the use of its layout and choice of colours which will appeal to the target audience. The massive image of a popular actor which stars in the movie is used as a eye catching and interesting background. This actor is well know for the younger generations from other movies which suits the target audience. The masthead of the word "THOR" strongly suggests that the image and the text are connect unlike a random advert on the front cover.

The choice of colours also suits the target audience, for example the use of the dramatic and bold colours used through out the background makes it very appealing. Also some key text is bright yellow to stand out, this colour slightly matches the fire and sparks in the background, but mainly it is used to stand out from the dark and moody background resulting in a even more eye catching front cover.

Image result for film magazine the magnificent seven
On the other hand this magazine is a lot less dramatic, it has limited colour and a very simple background. This background is plane white, but it emphasises the main image of the suspected main characters in the movie making them stand out. Also the title of the masthead of the words "The magnificent seven" is white and is overlapping the main image which suggests that they are connected unlike the range of images at the bottom of the magazine which have nothing to do with the movie. From the layout and style of this magazine it seems to be targeted at a slightly higher age range than the other magazine, also this is suggested from the use of a much more formal theme and design.

The layout is similar to the other magazine, these layouts are very effective and clearly show what the magazine includes. But unlike the first magazine this has the bar code and adverts which could result in a less appealing front cover to the target audience.

Overall both of these magazines are suitable for their target audience from the use of colour, layout and design. In my opinion the first magazine is more appealing to me unlike the second one because of the use of images and the design. 

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