Jordan Russ's As-Media Blog

Friday 7 October 2016

No Country for Old Men- Case Analysis

Image result for no country for old men dvd cover

No Country for Old Men- Case Analysis 

This films cover is unique and eye catching because of the use two main images on the front cover, these images represent the wild west genre which is the theme of the movie. In between the two images is the title, its font is a old and rustic style which also suits the theme or the wild west. On the back cover there are multiple images; some of the scene in the movie is displayed along side each other also another image is used as a background. Important text is clearly shown no the back, this text is about the plot of the movie, above this plot is positive review on the movie to entice people into buying the film and watching it.

As shown in the images and text the films theme is the wild west, the use of colours, shades and images suit this theme resulting in a clear theme which can be appealing to the target audience. Ontop of this the movie seems to a theme of action and violence which will further increase appeal.

Target audience
This films target audience seems to be around 14+, the theme and genre is very appealing and suitable for this age group. Also the layout and style of the cover is intriguing and interesting making it stand out from other DVDs.

This film is a action backed adventure filled with violence and chase scenes as suggested in the range of images used in the front and back cover of the DVD. The bottom image of on the front cover shows a man running away with a suitcase. Also the suitcase is poring out money whilst the man is running away from a pickup truck. This single image suggests; chase scenes and action let along the other images shown through out the DVD cover.

There is a limited amount of colour displayed on the front cover these colours are limited to; orange, yellow and black with a hint of white used as the text, white is used to stand out from the dark background. On the other side of the DVD a range of colours are used in the much smaller images but with the same colour as the background. Overall these colours suit the theme of the wild west.


  1. Very good, but you should talk more about the target audience :P

    1. Okay i will try to improve that for next time :P

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.
