Jordan Russ's As-Media Blog

Monday 17 October 2016

My Thriller Film

My Thriller Film

My films genre will be a thriller horror, it will have elements of violence and mystery. The film will be based in the modern day but in a forest in America.

The protagonist will be a young female teenager.
Age: 17
Gender: Female
From: England

Themes and settings
The themes and setting used throughout my film will be: crime, blood, death, confusion and

Opening sequence 
  • Girl gets kidnapped by two psychopaths  
  • The kidnappers take the girl to a secluded cottage in a dense forest to hide her
  • The kidnappers tie her up in one of the rooms in the cottage
  • Then the kidnappers lock her in cottage then leaves 
  • After a while strange sounds from forest start appearing
  • The girl hears shouts and screams from outside the cottage
  • Gun shots are fired multiple times
  • Then silence
  • The girl listens for any clues about what is happening, then starts to panic
  • She starts to cry as the rope around her legs and hands cut through her skin
  • Then suddenly she hears a floor board squeak like someone is walking on it
  • Then two large thuds in the other room next to her echoes the cottage
  • Blood starts to pore underneath the locked door where she is
  • Cuts to black
The plot of my film is going to be about a lost girl in a forest trying to survive from a deadly and wild creature, who has already murdered two people already. The girl is kidnapped in the opening scene and trapped in a abandoned cottage, she is scared and confused. After a long time boiling in the heat she breaks loose and escapes from the cottage to witness the maze of trees around her.

Target Audience
My target audience is going to be teenagers, my film is going to be appealing to this target    

My Thriller Film

My Thriller Film

My films genre will be a thriller horror, it will have elements of violence and mystery. The film will be based in the modern day but in a forest.

The protagonist will be a young female teenager.

  • Girl gets kidnapped by two psychopaths  
  • The kidnappers take the girl to a secluded cottage in a dense forest to hide her
  • The kidnappers tie her up in one of the rooms in the cottage
  • Then the kidnappers lock her in cottage then leaves 
  • After a while strange sounds from forest start appearing
  • The girl hears shouts and screams from outside the cottage
  • Gun shots are fired multiple times
  • Then silences
  • The girl listens for any clue what is happening, then starts to panic
  • She starts to cry as the rope around her legs and hands cut through her skin
  • Then suddenly she hears a floor board squeak like someone is walking on it
  • Then two large thuds in the other room next to her echos the cottage
  • Blood starts to pore underneath the locked door where she is
  • Cuts to black

Protagonist Character PLAN

Protagonist Character PLAN
-Steven Jaz
-16 Years old
-Has younger brother
-Parents divorced
-Brown Hair
-Brown eyes

Tuesday 11 October 2016

What is a Thriller Film?

A Thriller film can make viewers feel a roller coaster of emotions such as curiosity, scared or even sad it bends the viewers emotions to its will.  Thrillers are made up of a range of key elements from themes such as; romance, crime and action to countless types of characters such as protagonists to antagonists.

Thrillers are unique with their range of themes. Most thriller films have a mixture or combination of themes to make the film interesting and engaging. A very common theme in a thriller film is Protagonist VS Antagonist this type of thriller is mainly about a hero (protagonist) defeating a villain (antagonist). To make this theme more interesting twists and mind games are used throughout the film to make it less predictable. In this theme, elements of violence and action is commonly used along side victims and crime to make the protagonist have a reason or a narrative to have a antagonist. For example a potential antagonist could commit a crime such as murder or kidnapping (Themes), the victims lover tends to be the protagonist who saves the day. This layout of a thriller tends to have the victim as a woman (damsel in distress), the protagonist and antagonist as males, this stereotype of a woman needing saving has been used in countless thriller films.

Image result for Protagonist VS AntagonistImage result for Protagonist VS AntagonistImage result for Protagonist VS Antagonist
Types of themes in thriller films-
-Protagonist VS Antagonist
-Chase scenes
-Gun fights
-Fist fights
-Mind games 

Image result for Mad Max: Fury RoadThis film "Mad Max: Fury Road" has a clear theme of protagonist Vs antagonist. This post apocalyptic based film is about a lonely man trying to survive in the harsh deserts. then his life takes a unexpected turn for the worse and he is captured by his antagonist. This thriller him has a range of themes such as violence.

Image result for antagonistIn thriller films editing is used in a range of ways. For example editing could be used to suggest who is going to be the antagonist but then it turns out that its another person entirely likewise with antagonists, victims etc.

Image result for colourColour
Image result for light vs evilColour is used in a variety of ways, for example to set the scene or to make tension. typically in thrillers white equals purity and goodness, like the antagonist. On the other hand black equals death and evil, like the antagonist this is a theme which is commonly used throughout different types of films.

Similar to colour, brightness represents good and darkness represents bad. In most scenes where its dark or even night suggests that something bad is going to happen or its a scene with the antagonist this is opposite to protagonist.

Throughout thriller films sounds are used to build tension and to set the mood. Sound such as music is a key element in all films, it can play in the background in most scenes to create a atmosphere.

Monday 10 October 2016

Magazine comparison - Empire "Thor The Dark World" and Film "The magnificent seven"

Image result for empire thor the dark world

Magazine review- By Empire "Thor The Dark World"
Just from first glance this magazine is big and bold, it stands out from other magazines through the use of its layout and choice of colours which will appeal to the target audience. The massive image of a popular actor which stars in the movie is used as a eye catching and interesting background. This actor is well know for the younger generations from other movies which suits the target audience. The masthead of the word "THOR" strongly suggests that the image and the text are connect unlike a random advert on the front cover.

The choice of colours also suits the target audience, for example the use of the dramatic and bold colours used through out the background makes it very appealing. Also some key text is bright yellow to stand out, this colour slightly matches the fire and sparks in the background, but mainly it is used to stand out from the dark and moody background resulting in a even more eye catching front cover.

Image result for film magazine the magnificent seven
On the other hand this magazine is a lot less dramatic, it has limited colour and a very simple background. This background is plane white, but it emphasises the main image of the suspected main characters in the movie making them stand out. Also the title of the masthead of the words "The magnificent seven" is white and is overlapping the main image which suggests that they are connected unlike the range of images at the bottom of the magazine which have nothing to do with the movie. From the layout and style of this magazine it seems to be targeted at a slightly higher age range than the other magazine, also this is suggested from the use of a much more formal theme and design.

The layout is similar to the other magazine, these layouts are very effective and clearly show what the magazine includes. But unlike the first magazine this has the bar code and adverts which could result in a less appealing front cover to the target audience.

Overall both of these magazines are suitable for their target audience from the use of colour, layout and design. In my opinion the first magazine is more appealing to me unlike the second one because of the use of images and the design. 

Friday 7 October 2016

No Country for Old Men- Case Analysis

Image result for no country for old men dvd cover

No Country for Old Men- Case Analysis 

This films cover is unique and eye catching because of the use two main images on the front cover, these images represent the wild west genre which is the theme of the movie. In between the two images is the title, its font is a old and rustic style which also suits the theme or the wild west. On the back cover there are multiple images; some of the scene in the movie is displayed along side each other also another image is used as a background. Important text is clearly shown no the back, this text is about the plot of the movie, above this plot is positive review on the movie to entice people into buying the film and watching it.

As shown in the images and text the films theme is the wild west, the use of colours, shades and images suit this theme resulting in a clear theme which can be appealing to the target audience. Ontop of this the movie seems to a theme of action and violence which will further increase appeal.

Target audience
This films target audience seems to be around 14+, the theme and genre is very appealing and suitable for this age group. Also the layout and style of the cover is intriguing and interesting making it stand out from other DVDs.

This film is a action backed adventure filled with violence and chase scenes as suggested in the range of images used in the front and back cover of the DVD. The bottom image of on the front cover shows a man running away with a suitcase. Also the suitcase is poring out money whilst the man is running away from a pickup truck. This single image suggests; chase scenes and action let along the other images shown through out the DVD cover.

There is a limited amount of colour displayed on the front cover these colours are limited to; orange, yellow and black with a hint of white used as the text, white is used to stand out from the dark background. On the other side of the DVD a range of colours are used in the much smaller images but with the same colour as the background. Overall these colours suit the theme of the wild west.

Saturday 1 October 2016

The Captive Trailer review

The Captive Trailer- A intense and mysterious thriller about a young girl who has gone missing

At the start of this trailer it sets the scene by presenting the environment, it shows a cold and snowy atmosphere alongside the sound of wind suggesting that its winter this will make the viewer feel immersed like they are there. Shortly after a scene of a father and his daughter in their car is presented, then the father is in a call with the mother showing their good relationship with each other with a hint of humour. Then the father leaves to get dinner leaving his daughter alone.

Briefly after it fades to black alongside tense and moody music, then the father realises his daughter has gone missing. Shortly after a continuous string of short clips unveiling the story line in tune with the music to build tension is shown giving clues on what’s going to happen about this missing girl. The protagonist is shown to be the father and the antagonist is briefly shown in some clips throughout the trailer to make the viewer create questions about the disappearance and this mysterious man who took the girl.

A range of narration is used to create questions and clues about the plot of the story, also text is shown about the film such as actors and directors which could intrigue the viewer or interest them The target audience is around 14+ and the trailer successfully uses actions and violence to suit this age rating.

Overall this trailer presents an emotional mystery about a girl who has gone missing and shows a couple’s relationship crumble because of this event.