Jordan Russ's As-Media Blog

Tuesday 20 September 2016

Advert targeted at females

This advert targets females from all sizes to wear their new autumn collection clothes, they accomplish this with the use of the 3 main codes-

Audio codes- Through out the entire advert the same song is played, this song is energetic and fast paced this suggests that the new collection is limited time only. On the other hand this song was used to inspire all types of woman who are not confident about the way they look to buy their clothes, so they can expand their target market from small sizes to large. Other than the song their is no dialog or even sound effects used in the advert.

Visual codes- All of the characters in the advert are wearing make-up and stylish clothes to make them look more appealing or attractive to entice the viewer that if they buy their clothes they can look as good as them. To show of this the characters are the main attraction in every shot and they all ways stand out from the background. In the advert a some text is used to present the characters and to present their clothes which they are wearing, on top of this the companies name is always on the screen through out the entire advert. There is a range of lighting from a bright sunny day to a dark and rainy day, but no matter the weather the characters seem to be happy and energetic to make the viewer think that wearing their clothes will make them feel uplifted and joyful in any situation. The use of colours may not be very feminist, but there mainly bland colours in the background to show off and stand out the characters clothes.  

Technical codes- In the advert there is a series of short and continuous clips which presents the different types of clothes. These shots range from close ups to the characters face and median shots which shows the clothes, the angles used vary from low angles to eye level angles to also show the character and clothes.

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