Jordan Russ's As-Media Blog

Sunday 25 September 2016

Advert targeted at males

This advert about Pepsi Max is targeted at men, it accomplishes this with the 3 main codes-

Audio codes- This advert has dialog, sound effects and music across the advert. At the start there is background sounds of people talking to represent a busy bar and then the 2 main characters interact with the use of simple single sentences, this makes the advert easy to understand what is happening but at the same time it does not even advertise the actual brand. After the TV news finishes a range of sound effects such as broken glass and screaming is used to make it look more realistic. At the end advert it actually shows its brand then the music builds up and gets louder to symbolise that the drink Pepsi Max can give you confidence and improve your life also suggest that the drink can make you pull off anything, the advert shows this in a comedy way to appeal to male viewers.

Visual codes- The advert uses dark and bland colours in the background with some random people to fill up the space to look like a real life bar, also to make the 2 main characters stand out from the background. The brand is presented very casually in the woman's hand on the bar table to hint what the advert is actually about. Also there is a range of props such as chairs and tables in the background, also the Pepsi can and other glasses are props. The main characters also background character are wearing casual clothes which are quite dull and bland so that they don't stand out, also the woman is wearing some make-up to look attractive to entice males into watching the advert.

Technical codes- Through out the advert the camera angle used are; eye level, over the shoulder, close ups, high angle and medium shots. In most shots the 2 main characters are in them but other background characters are used to set the scene and present the environment of the pub. At the over the shoulder angle the TV was the main attraction of the shot to make it feel like you where there. Each shot was quite short to make the advert fast past making it interesting to watch so the viewer doesn't get distracted. At the end the product is briefly shown and shortly after the companies name, to make it funny and at the same time make it not feel like a ad.  

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