Jordan Russ's As-Media Blog

Thursday 29 September 2016

Isolation trailer review

Isolation trailer review- This thriller movie has aspects of violence, action and drama.

This trailer starts of as a relaxing and peaceful holiday for a romantic couple but then turns for the worse, the music builds up to create tension then it presents that this lonely island is not all what it seems.

Short and mysterious clip show that the holiday is going down hill for the couple and unfortunate things start to happen. This trailers target audience is aimed at 14+ it suits this with the use of short and continuous clips which gradually build up making it more interesting and engaging for the viewer. Questions develop about the other people on the island with no answers, along side this intense music is played suggesting something bad is going to happen.

Overall this thriller trailer is quite intense and intriguing for its target audience with the use of interesting and mysterious but short clips which shows unanswered questions, action, violence, and sexual scenes between the two suggested main characters. These characters are shown to be the protagonists trying to get out alive away from the island, but in the trailer the antagonist is not clearly presented but is hinted to be one of the couples of even all of them through the use of violence.

The girl on the train trailer review

THE GIRL ON THE TRAIN- A thriller about a missing person in a modern day city 

This thriller film trailer is intense and intriguing, its target audience is 14+ has a range of camera angles and lighting through out the trailer, it uses mysterious music which the clips are in sequence to at the beginning of the trailer to build tension. In the trailer it also shows a girl is gone missing which matches the genre of thrillers, suggesting that though out the actually movie it is going to be based on this missing person. This suits the target audience because it makes them intrigued and interested. The trailer seems to be based in modern time in a city which also suits the thriller genre.

At the start of the trailer a close shot of a woman's face is firstly presented and says a interesting sentence which will make the viewer curious, briefly after it cuts to a new scene along with peaceful music then the woman narrates over a series of short scenes which she is in. Then suddenly the music's tune flips upside down into tense music and a man appears very close to the woman in a sexual way and the narration suggests that this man is a secret which she is trying to hide. The use of the music and the camera angle shows that something bad is going to happen. This creates tension and curiosity for the viewer making them wanting to watch more.

Throughout the trailer questions arise with limited and vague answers about the story making the viewer intrigued. A woman goes missing which suits the genre of a thriller also in the trailer the protagonist is suggested to be a witness who saw the woman briefly before she disappeared, and a string of clues follow this witness connecting her to the missing woman which also suggest that she is the antagonist but isn't completely clear.

Overall this trailer suits the thriller genre and correctly targets its targets its audience of  ages 14 and over because of its use of action, violence and sexual scenes, on top of this the editing and music creates tension and suspense which would be very eye catching for the target audience.

This short but entertaining trailer is packed with comedy and funny moments. From the look of this trailer its target audience is around 8+, it  suits with target audience with the use of continuous short funny clips which would be quite interesting and engaging to that age. Likewise the genre of comedy and the theme of cute and funny animals will be very entertaining for a younger audience. Through out the trailer there was a range of characters which were repeatably shown, also these cuts showed that time had past to show a scene.

As the trailer came to the end information  was quickly cut along side more funny clips to make the viewer engaged with the text of the people involved and the title of the film.

In conclusion this trailer has correctly targeted its audience with the use of comedy, short clips and interesting themes

Sunday 25 September 2016

Advert targeted at males

This advert about Pepsi Max is targeted at men, it accomplishes this with the 3 main codes-

Audio codes- This advert has dialog, sound effects and music across the advert. At the start there is background sounds of people talking to represent a busy bar and then the 2 main characters interact with the use of simple single sentences, this makes the advert easy to understand what is happening but at the same time it does not even advertise the actual brand. After the TV news finishes a range of sound effects such as broken glass and screaming is used to make it look more realistic. At the end advert it actually shows its brand then the music builds up and gets louder to symbolise that the drink Pepsi Max can give you confidence and improve your life also suggest that the drink can make you pull off anything, the advert shows this in a comedy way to appeal to male viewers.

Visual codes- The advert uses dark and bland colours in the background with some random people to fill up the space to look like a real life bar, also to make the 2 main characters stand out from the background. The brand is presented very casually in the woman's hand on the bar table to hint what the advert is actually about. Also there is a range of props such as chairs and tables in the background, also the Pepsi can and other glasses are props. The main characters also background character are wearing casual clothes which are quite dull and bland so that they don't stand out, also the woman is wearing some make-up to look attractive to entice males into watching the advert.

Technical codes- Through out the advert the camera angle used are; eye level, over the shoulder, close ups, high angle and medium shots. In most shots the 2 main characters are in them but other background characters are used to set the scene and present the environment of the pub. At the over the shoulder angle the TV was the main attraction of the shot to make it feel like you where there. Each shot was quite short to make the advert fast past making it interesting to watch so the viewer doesn't get distracted. At the end the product is briefly shown and shortly after the companies name, to make it funny and at the same time make it not feel like a ad.  

Tuesday 20 September 2016

Advert targeted at females

This advert targets females from all sizes to wear their new autumn collection clothes, they accomplish this with the use of the 3 main codes-

Audio codes- Through out the entire advert the same song is played, this song is energetic and fast paced this suggests that the new collection is limited time only. On the other hand this song was used to inspire all types of woman who are not confident about the way they look to buy their clothes, so they can expand their target market from small sizes to large. Other than the song their is no dialog or even sound effects used in the advert.

Visual codes- All of the characters in the advert are wearing make-up and stylish clothes to make them look more appealing or attractive to entice the viewer that if they buy their clothes they can look as good as them. To show of this the characters are the main attraction in every shot and they all ways stand out from the background. In the advert a some text is used to present the characters and to present their clothes which they are wearing, on top of this the companies name is always on the screen through out the entire advert. There is a range of lighting from a bright sunny day to a dark and rainy day, but no matter the weather the characters seem to be happy and energetic to make the viewer think that wearing their clothes will make them feel uplifted and joyful in any situation. The use of colours may not be very feminist, but there mainly bland colours in the background to show off and stand out the characters clothes.  

Technical codes- In the advert there is a series of short and continuous clips which presents the different types of clothes. These shots range from close ups to the characters face and median shots which shows the clothes, the angles used vary from low angles to eye level angles to also show the character and clothes.