Jordan Russ's As-Media Blog

Tuesday 26 September 2017

Black Mirror- Comparing Season 1 Episode 2 and 3

Black mirror episode 2 consists of a futuristic world where lower class people's lives are limited to riding exercise bikes to slowly gain credits to purchase food/drinks and other luxury supplies. The main protagonist is a black male who is presented as a simple worker who's job is to continuously ride a exercise bike until the dawn of time alongside similar workers, but he gets to know a woman who's dream is to get on the singing competition show. The main protagonist gets to know her, and selflessly donates all of his credits to her so that she can live her dream. But things go side ways and the woman does the singing audition and the twisted judges think she is a good singer, but she is a better 'attractive object'. This demonstrates the working class in the future, and how they are used for the higher class in entertainment and energy. Alongside this, it shows that the black male is selfless and kind, so he help the 'damsel in distress' by giving her the possibility to reach her dreams, but this doesn't turn out for the best.

On the other hand, episode 3 is world where everyone is connected, and everything is recorded through people's eyes. People have got implants in their brain so that they are able to recall all of their memory's and display it on screens to share it. This demonstrates a world of which people are monitored but at the same time no one in the episode is living in poverty, every has large houses and brain implants. Furthermore, in comparison to this in episode 2 it shows people forced to ride bikes for their entire lives, but in episode 3 everyone is living in luxury with mind blowing technological advances. Alongside this, in episode 3 all of the wealthy people are white and there was hardly any other ethnicity which owned or used advanced technology or had fancy houses. This could show a stereotype that white people more successful. In contrast to this, the main character for the second episode was a black male, but he was represented as a caring and determined independent man who wanted to rescue the woman. Furthermore, this shows a stereotype of woman as seen as damsels in distress due to her needing his help and his rescue throughout the episode.

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