Jordan Russ's As-Media Blog

Monday 6 March 2017

With reference to your own detailed examples explore what affects how an audience may respond to a media text.

The target audience of the  TV series "The Walking Dead" are teenagers/young adults, aged 16+ who are interested in action and violence in a show. Someone who isn't the target audience may not decode the show correctly, so the action and violence may seem inappropriate to them. unlike people aged 16+ because they are able to decode the show and understand what is happening in the show. In addition to this, language and mode of address will seem alien and wrong to other audiences. For example, an older male may not understand the colloquial language used throughout "The Walking Dead", but teenagers will understand the choice of lexis. However, technical codes are also used to position the audience in an appropriate angle to particularly present a scene. For example, first person is to show a character's point of view, making the audience experience what the character is experiencing. On top of this, the choice of music will make audiences react differently.  

On the other hand, "The Walking Dead" contains a substantially large amount of blood and gore, particularly  in season 7 episode 1 were two main characters were slaughtered in front of their own friends. A audience who has a cultural belief of non-violence may respond negatively to this episode, making them not decode the show correctly to what he producer coded it about.

Likewise, in the comedy TV series "Community" the target audience is teenagers, the show appeals to their audience through the use of the theory personal identity. This theory will make the audience gain pleasure because they can relate to the show. In addition to this, the show can be used for social interaction, so that the audience can use the narrative of the series as experience in their own lives. But if a different audience watches the show, they may not decode it in the same way as the teenagers; causing confusion and misunderstanding. In addition to this, other viewers may be negotiated readers who only interprets some of the show. Through the use of the gratification theory of: entertainment and diversion, the target audience consumes the show to escape from pressures of everyday life.

Furthermore, culture/ethnicity groups may find some of the humor in "Community" offensive because they are oppositional readers who do not agree with the ideology of the content. Likewise, age differences can cause them to not decode the show correctly. And the use of minor language and sexual content can make the older generation feel uncomfortable.

In the movie "Doctor Strange" it guides the audience through a confusion and complicated fantasy world, the movie's target audience is 12+ so it contains no contain which is too graphic or rude. Although it has a young target audience, older people may not understand or interpret the movie to what the producers hoped for. For example a 63 year old man may not understand the narrative correctly. Likewise different cultures can cause people oppositional reading where they do no agree with the ideology of the movie.

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