Jordan Russ's As-Media Blog

Sunday 26 November 2017

Former TV presenter John Leslie charged with sexual assault

John Leslie (aged 52, 22 February 1965 ) is a Scottish former television and radio presenter he was the Wheel of Fortune and Blue Peter star. Leslie has been charged with sexually assaulting a woman in an Edinburgh nightclub.
Image result for John Leslie

John Leslie is alleged to have put his hand up the woman's skirt. She is a 26-year-old woman who was on a hen night when the alleged incident took place at Atik in the city's Tollcross area. There is reports that it occurred at an event to mark the club's re-opening in June.

"Police in Edinburgh have charged a 52-year-old man following a report that a 26-year-old woman was the victim of a sexual assault at a nightclub in the Tollcross area on Sunday 25 June."

I have chosen this piece of news to represent that wealthy and privileged men sexually assault woman and think that they can get away with it. Additionally, this assault could link to my exam because it demonstrates that men sexually abuse young and vulnerable woman.

In my opinion, this is unacceptable and he should be charged and sentanced to prison time so that he learns that this isnt right, and so other men see him as a example. 

Tuesday 21 November 2017

Gone Too Far

The comedy-drama film Gone Too Far(2013, Directed by Destiny Ekaragha) is a British Nigerian movie, with a small budget of only £200,000, which is a very low budget for a movie. It stars OC Ukeje, Adelayo Adedayo, Shanika Warren-Markland and Malachi Kirby. The production of the film was made up of a range of people and companies; Cimematography was done by Stil Williams, editing by Anna Dick, production company was Poisson Rogue Pictures and distributed by FilmOne Distribution. 

Gone Too Far has a range of themes, such as masculinity, crime and family. Masculinity if defined as qualities or attributes which are regarded as characteristic men. Throughout the film masculinity was a frequent theme which carried the narrative and story. For example, the main character Yemi, which was played by Malachi Kirby, was a strong and independent character who is reflected by masculinity. Furthermore Yemi was represented like a tough and "cool" male, like most of the other male characters to show dominance. On the other hand,  Iku, who was played by OC Ukeje contrasts the masculinity stereotype to resemble the culture in Nigeria , which is seen as opposite in the UK from most of the characters prospective. 

Crime is a minor theme which scatters Gone Too Far. Violence and fighting was used to make the film more dramatic and exciting. Furthermore crime was effectively used as humour throughout the film. In one scene, the two brothers are stereotypically suspicious when entering a shop, which resembles theft, therefore the guard searches one of them to find a misplaced product. This is to humour the audience and move on the story with some conflict.

In conclusion, Gone Too Far is a comedy-drama with a low budget, which uses a range of stereotypical characters to illustrate a common day within that area and culture. The film uses crime as humour to keep the audience interested, additionally, conflict and violence is a theme to carry the narrative along.

Sunday 19 November 2017

Weekly news- Aled Jones denies 'inappropriate' behaviour

Aled Jones is a famous Welsh singer and presenter, he was in TV shows such as Songs of Praise, Daybreak, Escape to the Country and more with his fragile reputation. He is a 46 year old father of two and yet, he has been accused of "inappropriate messaging and contact".

Sexual harassment news has been a concurrent theme throughout the past few months. And Aled Jones has now be accused. He has apologised for any disturbances which the allegations may of caused, he is "deeply sorry". But Jones strongly denies all of the allegations to a certain state. He has been accused of inappropriate messages and behaviour to a woman, but he "apparently" accepted his poor behaviour but still denies sexual harassment or inappropriate contact.

I have chosen this piece of news to demonstrate how often men in the media sexually take advantage of woman, especially in recent news. Furthermore, this news could link to my course work/exam because it represents how men negatively view woman; as objects which they can just sexually abuse when they please.

In my opinion, i wouldn't be surprised if the accusations towards Aled Jones were correct. But at the same time, sexual harassment is unacceptable in any case, and if Jones lied, he should be charged or punished so that he and others understand the consequences of sexual harassment.

Tuesday 14 November 2017

Weekly News- Jimmy Fallon emotionally pays tribute to his mother

Jimmy Fallon is a famous American comedian who was born in 1974 at New York. He hosts a popular comedian show called Tonight Show. He had to cancel lasts weeks episode so that he could be by his mother side, until her very last breath.

Jimmy Fallon's mother was named Gloria Fallon and she died at the age of 68 years old. Jimmy Fallon described her as "The best audience" and adding, "She was the one i was always trying to make laugh". And Jimmy Fallon has a close relationship with his mother, as suggested by this quote below:

Jimmy Fallon paid tribute to his mother by emotionally sharing a story about him and his mother:

"When we were little, my mum would walk us to the store - me and my sister - and we would hold hands. And she would squeeze my hand three times and say, 'I love you,' and I would squeeze back, 'I love you too.'

This can be viewed through this video below:

I have chosen this piece of news to highlights the heartwarming relationship between Jimmy Fallon and his mother. Furthermore this news could link to my course work because it represents how men view their mothers, suggesting a positive/negative relationship which could reference stereotypes which my course work explores.

In my opinion Jimmy Fallon was being sincere about his relationship with his mother, and he just wanted to pay tribute by sharing a personal experience which represents Jimmy Fallon's respect and love for his past away mother.

Sunday 5 November 2017

Comparison between Moonlight, SkyFall and Kingsman

This report explores the representation of class, masculinity and gender in film franchises with specific reference to Skyfall, Kingsman and Moonlight. Throughout my research investigation, i have produced this report which highlights how films have profited from controversial representations and basic stereotypes about everyday people. Although these films have a range of similarities, they do contrast from one another in certain representations.

Masculinity is a continuous theme throughout old and modern films, but James Bond films wouldn't even exist without it. SkyFall(2012) which was directed by S.Mendes is a prime example of how masculinity is over exaggerated to make James Bond save the world in every single movie.  Masculinity is the backbone of James Bond. All of their films stereotypically represent that white English men are privileged and upper class  with their wealth and power, alongside their line of woman following them. This poorly represents how general people live in England. On the other hand, Kingsman(2014) which was directed by M.Vaughn, takes a different standpoint from the spy film genre. Their view on masculinity is contrasted compared to Skyfall, and the main protagonist "Eggsy" is represented as a lower class teenager with low expectations. Therefore Kingsman's representation of masculinity is suggested to be opposite to Skyfall. But this is not the case, due to the upper class which makes up the entire Kingsman spy organisation. On the other hand, the drama romance hybrid film called Moonlight(2016), which was directed by Barry Jenkins, has a unique representation of men and masculinity, due to its ventures to other views which contradicts to typically stereotypes. This is gradually explored through the main protagonist, who is a homosexual black male named "Chiron". This character breaks the stereotypical and controversial views on masculinity which Skyfall and Kingsman fail to comprehend.

Furthermore, the representation of woman throughout films are limited to objects and damsels in distress. This is suggested in Skyfall due to the gradual increase of  woman which James Bond has slept with through the course of the film. This is a common and overlooked theme in all James Bond films since the start of the franchise. Similarly, in Kingsman the relationship between Eggsy and Princess Tilde is simply limited to a controversial sex scene at the end of the film. Additionally, Tilde is also represented as a damsel in distress due to her imprisonment, which relates to a princess locked in a tower, waiting for a strong male hero to rescue her. In addition to this, Moonlight also limits woman who sell their bodies for profit. This is presented by Chiron's mother Paula, she is a drug addicted who actively sleeps with men for money, to then buy more drugs. This gives the audience the impression that she is a prostitute who wants to live like that, but it also suggests that she has no other choice. In contrast to this, Kingsman represents woman in a different light aswell, the Kingsman Spy Roxy, is represented as a independent and strong woman who fights for what she believes in. She is equal or even better than Eggsy, which suggests that Kingsman represents woman in a range of prospectives.