Jordan Russ's As-Media Blog

Thursday 20 April 2017


Representation of Gender in the media
Within the media genders are stereotyped and simplified. This is suggested in the comedy TV series "The Simpsons", throughout the series the Simpson family is stereotyped because the character "Marge" is stereo-typically the stay at home mother without a job, and "Homer" is the unintelligent worker who drinks beer. This presents a representation that the media limits the genders into categorizes, especially in the Simpsons.

Representation of Ethnicity in the media

Representation of ethnicity is most of the time racist and stereotypicical. This is also shown in the series "The Simpsons" through the use of the character "Apu". This is a indain character who owns a corner shop and has a strong indain accent and he has a large family. This is a sterotype which shows that the representation of ethnicity in the media is more or less racist.  
Representation of Age in the media
Representation of age in the media normally limits the older generation as people who cant maintain themselves and cant function normally. This is represented in the comedy TV show "Community" through the use of the old character "Piece". This character is a old fashioned man with a bad back and poor hearing. This is a stereotype which makes old people seem weaker then younger generations. 

Representation of Events in the media

-BBC News
-The Sun

Representation of Issues in the media

-BBC News
-The Sun

Representation of National/Regional identity in the media
-Get out-Moonlight

Audiences : how different audiences are positioned
-Guardians of the galaxy

-Rogue one

Audiences : why audiences respond differently to media texts

-Family Guy
-Get out